Naming brands
Paplašiniet savu biznesu bez raizēm
Neaizsargājot zīmolu uzņēmumi riskē zaudēt savu identitāti, reputāciju un iegūto tirgu. Piemēram, ja preču zīmes nav pareizi reģistrētas, zīmols ir neaizsargāts pret tīšu vai netīšu kopēšanu un atdarināšanu, kas var izraisīt dārgas juridiskas cīņas, nespēju ieiet jaunos tirgos, ieņēmumu samazināšanos vai pat zīmola vārda zaudēšanu.
Nodrošinām preču zīmju reģistrāciju Latvijā, Eiropas Savienībā un starptautiskā mērogā, lai jūs varētu droši paplašināt savu biznesu, neuztraucoties par negaidītiem preču zīmju konfliktiem.

Why is the Brand Name so Important?
Your brand’s name is the foundation of your entire marketing strategy. It’s the first impression you make on potential customers, and it needs to be both memorable and effective. A strong brand name can help you stand out in a crowded market and convey your brand’s unique vision and values. On the other hand, a poor brand name can hold you back and even harm your reputation.
At Intellectual Agency, we understand the importance of a well-crafted brand name. Our team of experts will work with you to create a unique and memorable name that reflects your brand’s vision and resonates with your target audience. Whether you’re launching a new product, rebranding your business, or just need a fresh start, our naming service will help you make a lasting impression.
How can We Help You Create a Perfect Product Name
At Intellectual Agency, we offer a comprehensive naming service that includes the following:
- Conducting market research to understand your target audience and competition
- Developing a naming strategy that aligns with your brand's vision, mission and values
- Creating a list of potential names that are unique, memorable, and relevant
- Conducting a comprehensive trademark search to ensure that chosen name is available internationally
- Providing business, marketing and legal advice about possible brand and product name(s)
We understand that every business is unique, and that’s why we offer personalized services to meet your specific needs. Our team will work closely with you to understand your business and provide tailored solutions to ensure a smooth and efficient registration process.

we will work with you online
Our naming process begins with a 1.5- 2 hours consultation via Zoom to understand your brand’s vision and goals. From there, we conduct thorough market and competitor research to ensure that your brand name is unique and stands out in your industry. Once we have a list of potential names, we conduct comprehensive trademark search to ensure that your name is legally available and can be protected.
Our naming service is customized to meet your unique needs and budget. We offer two options for getting started:
Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with our team leader, trademark strategist, creative naming expert, and intellectual property manager, Ieva Zvejsalniece. During the consultation, we’ll discuss your naming needs and provide you with a customized action plan for or your brand.
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